Author: LexQuest Foundation
Exceptions to Principles of Natural Justice: Part II
By Adv. Shriya Maini. First Part of this Series, can be accessed here. Exclusion in Emergency: Hurry versus Hearing Whether it is for public safety, public interest, public health or public morality- the action, preventive or remedial, that is needed, is the requirement of notice and where a hearing may be obviated, would be exceptional…
Reshaping Education: The BRICS Way
By Sandeep G., SASTRA Deemed University, Thanjavur. GDP is the indicator of the economic strength of every Country. Presently, all nations compete with each other to increase their economic strength, by domestically formulating highly feasible economic policies and entering into treaties with various other nations. However, an encounter against the prevalent illiteracy rate in India has, since…
Of Law and Policy…
By Tanya Chandra, Founder, LexQuest Foundation. At LexQuest, we have come to believe that thus far, our most well received articles are the ones which are purely legal in nature, and delve deeper into various facets of a certain aspect of law alone. Now, we know fully well that the dearth of good legal literature…
Prison Reforms: Constant Deliberations Short of Actions
By Devansh Saraswat, Gujarat National Law University, Gandhinagar. “Punishment is not for revenge, but to lessen crime and reform the criminal.” –Elizabeth Fry John Locke believed that men are fundamentally good but laws are still required to keep down ‘the few desperate men in society’ and thus arises the need for prisons. A prison is…
A New Era for the Supreme Court Proceedings?
By Jhalak Nandwani, Gujarat National Law University, Gandhinagar. We all have watched the live streaming of sessions of the Parliament on Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha TV since the past 10 years. It has brought awareness amongst the common people about the functioning of Parliament, all State Assemblies and of our elected representatives as well.…
Exceptions to Principles of Natural Justice: Part I
By Adv. Shriya Maini. “There are no Victors in the game of law until the Court verdicts…” Justice is the most important task of Rule of Law of the State. The role of an attorney is an integral part of the justice system of the State which fails its society if the litigant is not…
Liquor Ban: A Stepping Stone to Safer Roads?
By Eshita Kapur, ILS Law College, Pune. “After whisky, driving is risky”, is an adage one often gets to see while driving on highways in India. Road accidents, including those due to drunken driving, have been globally recognized as a serious public health issue. Being a signatory to the Brasilia Declaration, India is committed to…
The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act: An Insight
By Rishabh Mishra, National University of Study and Research in Law, Ranchi. ‘The Question Is Not, Can They Reason? Nor, Can They Talk? But, Can They Suffer?’ -Jeremy Bentham The evolution of the intellectual faculties of humans has placed them in a position of dominance over other species. The ability to reason as a human has very…